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Clay Sports Ireland Annual AGM 2013

CSI Christmas Shoot

*Updated* Clay Sports Ireland Christmas Shoot 2013

World Police and Fire Games 2013

World Police and Fire Games 2013 

Garda Sportstar Awards

Clay Shooting Garda gets Garda Sportstar 2013 Award 


 To view the full story on any of the news items or event reports below simply click on the image above the news item you wish to view.

CSI Summer League Final 2013

CSI Summer League Final 2013 

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Naul CPSC Christmas Shoot 2013

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CSI 2014 Calendar Meeting 

Shoot Photography

We would like to ask all shooters both past and future to help contribute to our gallery by sending any past or future photographs from CSI shoots to us to be uploaded to our shoot galleries. When sending photo’s if you could please include some details such as who is in the photo and where and when it was taken I would be most grateful. To send your photos please Click Here 

Insurance – After close examination of Country Sports Ireland insurance cover the Committee of CSI believe that its policy is a bespoke policy for both the individual shooter and shooting  ground and as a result we have signed up to Country Sports Ireland for our group cover of CSI events. The full list of Insurance cover accepted for individuals attending CSI shoots is – Country Sports Ireland, Countryside Alliance, NARGC Compensation Fund, CPSA and IFA