CSI 100 Bird Shooting League Rules 2016

The league will commence on Sunday 8/05/2016 at Donegal CPC and the final shoot is at Naul CPSC on Sunday 9/10/2016.

The League will include all scheduled 100 bird league events held on or between the dates listed above. (Please see CSI Event dates on website).


The Clay Sports Ireland members best Eight Scores will count towards for his/her final total in for the 100 Bird League. Any ties will be decided based on the competitors overall 2016 league average.

If you are not a paid up member of Clay Sports Ireland (€25 Membership Fee) your scores will not be included in the league table until the date you pay your membership. Pay your membership at any of the 100 Bird League Shoots and make sure you fill out the membership form and fill in all information requested, especially insurance details.

Bird’s only shooters will be included in the Clay Sports Ireland 100 Bird League Results and will not receive any prizes in the overall 100 Bird League Events in 2016, there scores will not be recorded for classification in 2017.

The Rules of English Sporting are to be applied to at all 100 Bird League events. In the case of an on report pair a Competitor is allowed one show pair only however the Competitor may view one further target of the pair if he/she feels they have been disadvantaged. In the case of a simultaneous pair the shooter may view two show pairs only. Practicing Stands at any stage at a league shoot is totally prohibited. Coaching is allowed for Colts, juniors, B & C classified shooters but strictly no coaching is allowed for A & AA classified competitors.


Classifications for the 2016 league are based on each competitor’s 100 bird average from the 2015 100 Bird League. Competitors who do not have a 2015 classification will be classified after three 100 bird events in 2016 league. These averages will be monitored closely and the Committee will reserve the right to reclassify any newly classified competitor.

Pricing & Levies:

The entry fee for 100 bird league events is €37. Clay Sports Ireland receives €7 for every competition entry (excluding Juniors & Colts ) which includes €3 levy payable for the administration of Clay Sports Ireland and €1 to fund junior team participation at International Events.  There is €3 paid to the daily prize fund and there is a return of €30 to the Event Hosting Club.

The Junior Fee for the 2016 league is €20. There are no levies payable to Clay Sports Ireland on Junior/Colt entries. Juniors must be 21 years of age or under on or after 01/01/2016. Juniors/Colts are not included in the daily Prize fund. The fees for Colts are as follows, €5 for 50 birds and €10 for 100 birds. A colt must be 16 years of age or under on or after 01/01/2016.



The Daily Cash prize fund at 100 bird events will continue as usual with Prizes to Overall High Gun, AA, A, B & C & Ladies. There must be a minimum of 5 Shooter’s in a class for the fund to apply to that class.

All existing Club Cup events will run in conjunction with the 100 bird league (Irish Open & Close, John Dolan, Mourne Championships and The Naul Irish Masters and Wexford Championships etc.)

The CSI All Ireland league perpetual Cups (10 in Total) will be awarded to the Overall High-gun and Class winners – AA, A, B, C, Ladies, Vets, Junior’s and Colts. 2nd and 3rd placed competitors in each class will receive medals in recognition of their achievement. Any additional cash prizes or Equipment sponsored to the CSI league will also be apportioned between the various prize winners.

All Prizes will be awarded at 2016AGM (Except for the Daily Cash Prize fund.

Any Clay Sports Ireland International team for 2017 will be selected from the final 100 league table based on a competitor’s best eight scores.

The last 100 bird league event at Naul CPSC on 9/10/2016 will include an Inter Club Team event. Members must declare their Clay Sports Ireland affiliated club at registration on the day of this shoot. This club competition is open to Clay Sports Ireland members and affiliated clubs only. The event prize will be awarded to the club that achieves the highest average score on the day from a Minimum of 8 club members Scores. .

The final league table will be used to monitor members sporting averages for 2017.


Affiliated Clubs are advised that they are responsible for the safe/successful running of events on their grounds. Clubs must ensure the required safety standards/procedures/Signage is in place for all Clay Sports Ireland events. Clubs must elect a three man Jury at each 100 bird league event and all disputes must be decided on the day before they submit the final league scores to the Clay Sports Ireland administrator. League scores must be returned electronically on the day of the event.  All information in relation to returning event scores can be found in the administration section of the Clay Sport’s Ireland Website. The administration of the on the day prize-fund is also the responsibility of the event hosting club. Clubs must ensure that all Clay Sports Ireland Members are on the updated members list. This list is maintained on the Clay Sports Ireland website within the 100 bird score sheet (See Column G). If the member is not registered yes they must complete a Membership Form and most importantly provide Insurance details ( NARGC, CAI, CSI, CPSA & IFA Countryside ).Membership forms must be returned to the Membership Officer. Forms will not be accepted without Insurance details.

The Committee of Clay Sport’s Ireland reserves the right to decide on any other disputes that arise during this league. The decision of the Committee is final.